Sleep Apnoea and
Sleep Disturbances

As a potentially severe sleep disorder, managing and treating sleep apnoea, swiftly and effectively, is important to ensure a better quality of sleep and reduce the risk of various medical complications including heart attacks and strokes.


What is sleep apnoea and sleep disturbance?

Sleep apnoea is a condition in which your breathing stops for short periods during your sleep. While there are a few different forms of sleep apnoea, the most common type is known as obstructive sleep apnoea or OSA. Sleep disturbance often goes hand in hand with sleep apnoea because this condition can wake you up repeatedly in the night, leading to fatigue and tiredness during the day. 

Symptoms of sleep apnoea and sleep disturbance

The symptoms of sleep apnoea and sleep disturbance include the following:

  • Loud snoring throughout the night
  • Periods in which you stop breathing when asleep, which is typically reported by a partner
  • Gasping for air when asleep, which may wake you up
  • A dry mouth when waking in the morning
  • A headache when you wake up
  • Insomnia symptoms such as difficulty staying asleep the whole night
  • Excessive fatigue and sleepiness in the daytime, known as hypersomnia
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Difficulty in paying attention when awake

As a condition that occurs during sleep, some of the core symptoms of sleep apnoea are often spotted by a partner or loved one during the night.  Some people may not realise this is happening at all.  Any reporting of the above symptoms should be taken seriously, and you should seek medical help or advice with a sleep physician.

Causes of sleep apnoea and sleep disturbance

The causes of sleep apnoea and sleep disturbance will vary depending on the type of sleep apnoea you have, though many of the core symptoms remain the same. The two main types of sleep apnoea are as follows:

OSA is caused by the relaxation of the muscles in the back of your throat. While this happens during sleep for everyone, additional factors may result in this airway being too narrow or closing, resulting in choking, gasping, or snoring. One of the critical causes of OSA is being overweight, but slim individuals can get OSA too. Smoking, alcohol usage, and a thicker neck circumference can all contribute to OSA. Conditions such high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes are caused or worsened if OSA is ignored and not treated. 


Treatments and investigations

The typical process for investigating sleep apnoea is to attend a dedicated sleep clinic. You may be kept overnight to allow for the monitoring of your breathing, body movements and heartbeat when you sleep. Alternatively, you may carry out a similar study at home to confirm the diagnosis.

If a diagnosis of sleep apnoea is confirmed, the most common treatment is through the use of a CPAP machine.  This pumps air into a mask to increase airflow and improve the overall quality of your sleep.  Alternative treatments include the use of mouthpieces to adjust your jaw position. In some cases where there is a physical cause, such as enlarged tonsils, surgery may be advised for treatment.

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